Welcome to Gather. We are so glad you’re here.
Gather, Inc. is a national nonprofit organization committed to helping more people realize the Jewish life they seek. We do this by reorienting how Jewish professionals and organizations define success: the depth and breadth of the relationships they build with and among their community members.
Through centering relationships, individuals can access and create Jewish life that is most meaningful for them. By reimagining our community’s strategies and systems through a relational lens, we can reach more people with authenticity, relevance and joy.
Gather, Inc. is committed to enriching and expanding our relationship-based engagement, making it an essential practice across all Jewish organizations, and positioning it at the heart of how Jewish community is built.
If you’re interested in learning about how to bring a relational approach to your community contact us here!
We began as a group of Jews in Washington, D.C. seeking to connect more people to Jewish life. Over the years this effort evolved into GatherDC, a highly successful relational platform reaching a notoriously difficult-to-reach group: Jewish 20- and 30- somethings.
GatherDC achieved incredible success not only in reaching this group — we were also keeping them meaningfully engaged with each other and Jewish life because we put them at the center, and built a web of relationships that connects them to one another, us, and lots of other community professionals in our hometown of Washington, DC. In our recently published five-year impact report, we found that GatherDC is activating previously disconnected young adults and expanding engagement for those looking for deeper, more meaningful connections to Jewish life.
After nearly a decade of success building GatherDC, we decided to expand to one other place, and we're thrilled to have chosen to the East Bay as the home of our newest city initiative, GatherBay!
Read more about our work and the East Bay community in eJewish Philanthropy.